Sunday, November 25, 2007

End of Building Season

I've about run out of time to work this fall as the weather keeps getting colder. This weekend I finished the roof, the window frames are all in, and the cupola frame is in. The cordwood is about four feet tall all the way around the structure, although I'm definitely running low on wood and will have to prepare some more for spring.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Cordwood Masonry Takes Time

After about 16 hours of cordwood work, the East (back) wall is about 4' tall on the left side and 2' tall on the right, the south wall around the electric switch is about 4' tall, and I have just started the North wall. The East window frame is in and hopefully in a few days I will have the North window in.

The cordwood in big open spaces doesn't take too long, but the corners take way longer than they should. I guess fake stacked corners may still not be the way to go....